Testing out post drafting capabilities
This is a draft of a post.
Welcome to awesome!
There's nothing sweeter than a fresh new forum, ready to welcome your community. A Vanilla Forum has all the bits and pieces you need to build an awesome discussion platform customized to your needs. Here are a few tips for you as the administrator: * Use the Getting Started checklist in the Dashboard to get your site…
Test Poll
Hye everyone like this?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec quis turpis vitae nisi fermentum orna
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec quis turpis vitae nisi fermentum ornare. Curabitur blandit orci orci, quis luctus eros fringilla sit amet. Ut tincidunt mi sit amet eros imperdiet molestie. In vel maximus libero, vel congue purus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Orci varius natoque penatibus…
She sells sea 🐚 by the sea 🏝️
const getCodeBlock = async () ⇒ { console.log("codeBlock"); }
Testing gists in the embed option
Would really love to see if this works as an actual embed. If it does, it is nice that you can put it inline.
Summary of event
- Check out the convo here!🙃
How do I mine for fish?
This is a real issue!
Who thinks Brett is awesome?
Like c'mon! How epic is Brett?
Audit log filters / search
We had a simple situation where we only needed to find when and who suspended an end-user. A simple task which proved to be quite troublesome unfortunately due to a lack of functionality, filtering and search capabilities. Admins are greatly impacted by this since without proper filtering, you need to scour tons of audit…
Trigger when someone clicks submit?
When someone Clicks the submit button for a ticket is there a trigger to display a message that asks if the ticket needs to be assigned back to another group? We are experiencing difficulty with agents reassigning a ticket to the group/agent they are expecting a reply from. Any help with solutions would be appreciated.