Trigger when someone clicks submit?

When someone Clicks the submit button for a ticket is there a trigger to display a message that asks if the ticket needs to be assigned back to another group?

We are experiencing difficulty with agents reassigning a ticket to the group/agent they are expecting a reply from.

Any help with solutions would be appreciated.


Best Answer

  • System
    System admin
    Answer ✓

    Although there isn't a direct Trigger that can dynamically understand the context of who the agent is expecting to hear back from, you can partially solve for this a few different ways:

    1) Leverage a Macro titled "Reassign To X" and teach your agents to use the macros, increasing the likelyhood of proper assignemnt

    2) Leverage custom statuses.  With the advent of custom statuses, you could potentially have a custom status that says "On-Hold with Sales"

    3) Leverage side conversations.  By having a side conversation in a child ticket, the agent holds the original ticket and assigns the child ticket directly to the correct person.

    4) Force the ticket to stay open under certain conditions.  Depending on your workflow, you could theoretically take additional actions on the ticket if certain criteria aren't met.  ie Ticket is updated and assignee not changed and status is on-hold, force reopen and potentially use a web hook to create an internal comment (a great example of how to do this is featured here).

    If you need any additional information on any of the above suggestions, please feel free to reply back here.  Hope this helps!