Audit log filters / search

We had a simple situation where we only needed to find when and who suspended an end-user. A simple task which proved to be quite troublesome unfortunately due to a lack of functionality, filtering and search capabilities. Admins are greatly impacted by this since without proper filtering, you need to scour tons of audit logs manually hoping to find what you are looking for and wasting time resources. 

This tool can be so powerful with the right improvements and everyone will benefit if more functionality is added. 

What I can suggest for improving are the following: 

- Search by keyword - this will greatly increase probability of successfully locating an event

- Search by end-user e-mail - this to give all events associated with an end-user

- Color coding - For example - mark suspended / deleted events in red, changes in yellow, added info such as tags, secondary e-mail, secondary phone in green etc.

- Event drop-down menu - this to show entire event catalogue with the ability to preselect (or exclude) and search for certain events such as Suspended / Unsuspended, Phone number changed, E-mail changed, Name changed, Profile picture added etc.

- Column reorder, remove, add functions - being able to perform these actions can improve and personalize each Audit Log to different use-cases and businesses.

- Hyperlinks - More admin friendly experience if redirecting to the problem item

- Time zone - Being able to customize in what Time zone you are viewing events since admins and dedicated operational teams can be in different locales.

- Export format - additional export formats are always helpful (.xlsx for example)

- Include other product logs - Explore and Guide for example - if not possible to pull data from them in Audit Log in Admin Center, a new Audit log for each product will be beneficial. Events such as who created a dashboard / report, who scheduled a delivery etc.

Hope to see some of these suggestions in the future!

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