Testing gists in the embed option
Sadly that does not work at all. Really makes the lack of code block a more prominent missing feature.
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Oh hey, I accidentally found code blocks hiding in a different section. Super unintuitive, but at least it's here and not inline code.
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Is it trying to do some sort of language formatting? The randomly bolded words appear like that's what it's doing, so let's test that.
These formatting options are wildly unintuitive and it's going to create a mess. The way to get code blocks to apply to a specific part of the comment is to leave your cursor at the end of it. But when you paste in a block yaml, it seems to think it's partially markdown and partially code. This is not a good experience:
Triggers the workflow...
name: ZCLI bumpon:
...when you push...push:
...when you manually click "Run Workflow" on GitHub from the Actions page
# ...to branch "main"
branches: [main]workflow_dispatch:
If the worflow is triggered by one of the above options......jobs will kick off to...jobs:
...create a build using...build:
With the environment setup, we can begin taking action...
# ...the latest version of Ubuntu...
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# ...using Node version 16.x...
node-version: [16.x]# ...with these steps... steps: # Until the next comment, these are default actions for the Node.js template from GitHub - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }} uses: actions/setup-node@v3 with: node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }} cache: 'npm' # ...install the Zendesk CLI - name: install zcli run: npm i @zendesk/zcli -g # These next three actions will run if the commit message contains the word in each 'if' condition. # If your commit message contains all three words, each action will run. # Basically, don't use this workflow in a production environment! - name: Bump patch version if: contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'patch') run: zcli apps:bump -p - name: Bump minor version if: contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'minor') run: zcli apps:bump -m - name: Bump major version if: contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'major') run: zcli apps:bump -M # Finally, we need to push the changes to our repository. # Since GitHub Actions run in a separate environment, the above changes won't update your repo without this. - name: Update repo run: | git config --global user.email "[your GH email]" git config --global user.name "[your name]" git add -A git commit -m "Commit message git push
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And then the preview that it renders while you're typing is different than how it posts. o_0
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Also, cmd/ctrl+shift+v doesn't work, which is frankly bonkers. We will get lots of terrible formatting when people paste from IDEs like VS Code and it won't let you strip the formatting when pasting.
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Wrong again Greg! It does work, but because I was pasting yaml, combined with the editor trying to render it as markdown (but only in the preview), it made it seem like it wasn't working.
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name: ZCLI bump Triggers the workflow... on: ...when you push... push:
# ...to branch "main"
branches: [main] ...when you manually click "Run Workflow" on GitHub from the Actions page workflow_dispatch: If the worflow is triggered by one of the above options... ...jobs will kick off to... jobs: ...create a build using... build:
# ...the latest version of Ubuntu...
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# ...using Node version 16.x...
node-version: [16.x] With the environment setup, we can begin taking action... # ...with these steps... steps: # Until the next comment, these are default actions for the Node.js template from GitHub - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }} uses: actions/setup-node@v3 with: node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }} cache: 'npm' # ...install the Zendesk CLI - name: install zcli run: npm i @zendesk/zcli -g # These next three actions will run if the commit message contains the word in each 'if' condition. # If your commit message contains all three words, each action will run. # Basically, don't use this workflow in a production environment! - name: Bump patch version if: contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'patch') run: zcli apps:bump -p - name: Bump minor version if: contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'minor') run: zcli apps:bump -m - name: Bump major version if: contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'major') run: zcli apps:bump -M # Finally, we need to push the changes to our repository. # Since GitHub Actions run in a separate environment, the above changes won't update your repo without this. - name: Update repo run: | git config --global user.email "[your GH email]" git config --global user.name "[your name]" git add -A git commit -m "Commit message git push0 -
Let's call this post an audit log instead of gospel, because after banging my head around, I found that markdown works fine (so triple ticks for code blocks) in the editor and yaml was a tough thing to throw at a markdown editor because they have a lot of similar syntax.